53 days. 53 days and i can walk out of the building for the last time and look ahead. i will never have to look back. i will never have to grit my teeth, hold my tongue, and bear the wrath of an insecure, scatterbrained, control freak. how many people in this country and in the world drag themselves through misery every day? how many complain about their boss to their significant other? how many arrive home feeling belittled and helpless. i would use the word harassment, but that seems a touch strong. however according to dictionary.com 'harassment' is defined 'to disturb persistently'; that's precisely the feeling. there is a disturbance in my being and it will persist until that being is removed from the source. it's like a tick. they suck your blood, filling their needs with your pain. when you try to flush the tick, it will not die, it will simply flow on finding the next victim.
discrimination is another word. there is racial, sexual, age, etc. but what about discrimination against intelligence? perhaps it's jealousy, perhaps it's anger against the new generation and the fear of being made redundant. PERHAPS i should cease to ponder on such things because at the end of the day, it's entirely not worth my energy. a company that treats it's employees as though they are dispensable. aye, there's the point! i do not wish to be dispensable, i am worth much more than that, and should not be employed by such a company.
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