Corey Bruno

Webb Institute
Crescent Beach Road
Glen Cove, NY


Hello there, weary travelers. You have reached the most comforting spot on the entire net. I'm afraid I must admit, I have worked to make this place like a second home. The idea of a page dealing with cows, without the loud content, and mentally draining nonsense of the web is rather comforting. And that, folks, is my mission.

In the flesh, I'm a 6 foot, 185 pound caucasian male of Italian heritage. This doesn't mean I'm a mobster (I don't even know anybody named Vince) and you can go to Green Duck to confirm this. Actually, I'm just a school kid interested in computers, boating and downhill skiing. Hopefully, in the future I'll be Corey Bruno, "BrownCow" and Naval Architect. Actually, I am currently attending Webb Institute on Long Island, pursuing my dream of becoming a nav arch. They tell me I will need a job once I get to the "real world," but I am 21 and have yet to see this holy "real world." I say, can't someone produce this "real world"? Why don't they at least let us poor college kids have a look-see on occasion? Okay, sorry I got a wee carried away there. Mayhaps we should push on.

I enjoy most types of music, especially the blues (BB King), classic rock ("Dazed and Confused" soundtrack), and the current hits (Bare Naked Ladies, Dave Matthews Band, etc..). Although less accomplished than our Prez, I can play the tenor saxophone. I'm not a big TV buff, but Seinfeld and Millionaire are worth even my time. I watch an occasional movie, usually humor (Kingpin is a favorite) or light action (ID4, Speed) flicks. My favorite vehicle is Chevy's Impala SS, but since they discontinued that model,my actual vehicle is a 1998 GMC Jimmy 4x4, known simply as James. My favorite sports teams would have to be the Red Wings, Wolverines, and Houston Rockets (It's a Clyde Drexler thing- don't ask.). I'm a big participant in most any sport: beach volleyball, waterskiing, skiing, ice-skating, hockey, cross-country skiing, bowling, lawn bowling, croquet, cricket, softball, baseball, kick-ball, kick-the-can, and any other sport imaginable.

little car

You are probably thinking about now that you have a brother, cousin, nephew, son or grandson about my age, and all HE ever talks about is girls. He he. Was that a good call or what? Well, you'll have to read about in the old singles lounge.

So, that is me. If I think of anything else of interest, I'll fill you in. Adios!!

© 1997 by Corey Bruno.
Have a cold one and read some more.
This place gets better as you go deeper.

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