Webb Institute Crescent Beach Road Glen Cove, NY 11542-1398
In the flesh, I'm a 6 foot, 185 pound caucasian male of Italian heritage. This doesn't mean I'm a mobster (I don't even know anybody named Vince) and you can go to Green Duck to confirm this. Actually, I'm just a school kid interested in computers, boating and downhill skiing. Hopefully, in the future I'll be Corey Bruno, "BrownCow" and Naval Architect. Actually, I am currently attending Webb Institute on Long Island, pursuing my dream of becoming a nav arch. They tell me I will need a job once I get to the "real world," but I am 21 and have yet to see this holy "real world." I say, can't someone produce this "real world"? Why don't they at least let us poor college kids have a look-see on occasion? Okay, sorry I got a wee carried away there. Mayhaps we should push on.
You are probably thinking about now that you have a brother, cousin, nephew, son or grandson about my age, and all HE ever talks about is girls. He he. Was that a good call or what? Well, you'll have to read about in the old singles lounge.
So, that is me. If I think of anything else of interest, I'll fill you in. Adios!!