Ahhhhh!! Summer break is hard work. I can't imagine an entire gap year...those Brits are crazy. Today, though, we sing a song: happy trailer to me, happy trailer to me. What fun! It's red and it rocks.
posted at 3:49 PM - comments
Friday, July 19, 2002
Days and weeks seem to merge into one long weekend - I haven't known the day or date for quite some time. We ran down to the Door and back, with fun and sun and lunch at Wilson's in between. Then a quick-as-a-wink trip to Howard City...you can see that this summer is getting busy in a hurry. Today is apartment-finding day, though, so an air of seriousness has taken over.
posted at 3:03 PM - comments
Monday, July 15, 2002
Time is racing by; waterskiing, a 50 years-old party, Dad & Robin's arrival from Exeter, and now the hum-drum of many new chores are all filling my time. A lightning fast trip downstate appears likely within the next few days and then it will almost be weekend time again.
posted at 3:49 PM - comments
Friday, July 12, 2002
A great day on Rock and Washington Islands, then a day of not much before heading north by boat to Rushfords to ski and camp and eat and ski. Now we are back and, somehow, it feels like the weekend is almost upon us. Civil war encampers are taking their positions on the Municipal Dock, which has been fortified with bales upon bales of straw, and the Inland Seas has been circling for days.
posted at 2:09 PM - comments
Monday, July 08, 2002
With a belly full of strawberries from this morning's pickings, I'm now sitting at the Escanaba Public Library searching for moving-related things: trailers and apartments. Wednesday it's go time, though, when Grandparents will arrive and we will all head south by east in the boat to revisit Rock Island.
posted at 11:13 AM - comments
Friday, July 05, 2002
Vacation at home in the Upper Peninsula - what a blessing. After a few crazy days of driving and other unpleasantness, we arrived at the Club and moved back in. We readied for the Fourth, although our celebration was the laid back style of people who've been hauling boxes for three days. The boat is in, though, and now it's simply a matter of finding an observer before I'll be out on the bay tearing things up on the old wooden O'Brien.
posted at 3:12 PM - comments