S/T Overseas New York

An Overview of the Winter of 2000
Aboard the Steam Tanker Overseas New York

This website contains prizes revealed as two young Webb Institute students set forth upon the high seas.

A requirement of the Webb curriculum, these two months at sea highlight the winter work program that is such an important part of Webb. For sx weeks, Anthony Constable and Corey Bruno toiled mercilessly aboard the crude oil tanker behind this text - the Overseas New York. We lived aboard, slept aboard, worked 12 hours a day aboard, and even completed a massive required sea term projet for school aboard.

Our days were long...filled with the duties of a sailor aboard an 894-foot oil tanker. Half the time aboard was spent 'below' maintaining the main propulsion plant and the associated systems. The balance was spent on deck, performing a variety of different jobs related to cargo operations and upkeep of the exterior of the ship. We also stood watch, which consists of doing nothing and making sure that that doesn't change. On the bridge, this entails watching for ships that never appear and slowing down in foul weather. In the ER, this means making sure that the equipment is running smoothly, efficiently, and constantly.

We visited many exotic and foreign ports in Alaska, Hawaii, Washington,and California. (Okay, but foreign sounded neater. More neat?) We experienced many great experiences, tackled many tasks, and ate many meals that will stay in our memories forever.

So, without further ado - the Winter 2000 Website.

Or, if you are returning, you may pick up on the next chapter:
I | II | III | IV | V | VI | VII

This adventure also includes some supplemental multi-media. To see the motion pictures and photographs, click here.