Weekends are hard when you get used to a 5:45 AM start time. Despite being dead tired from a terrific day of exploring Boston yesterday with Karyn and our latest bedtime yet (10:45 PM) all three of the Webbies were up at 18 Atlantic Avenue before 8 this sunny morning. I think we had all wanted to sleep in, but this early to bed and early to rise schedule gives us plenty of time to do the semi-productive things we had planned on before our days get sucked into watching the NFL.
posted at 8:15 AM - comments
Thursday, January 24, 2002
The time flies by when there are submarines to be designed and weekends away to be enjoyed. The skiing in New Hampshire was phenomenal and the hospitality was great last weekend as I spent my days off at McCoy's in Vermont. If only it would get nice and cold, then I could enjoy my reunion with my hockey skates, which arrived in a box from the U.P. this week. Maybe there are Nav Arch offices hiring north of the Arctic Circle where it still freezes every winter.
posted at 7:38 PM - comments
Monday, January 21, 2002
Back in the internet swing, by modem and phone line from the shores of Long Island Sound in Groton Longpoint. Living on the point is nice and easy: there's plentiful food, a pair of relaxing sofas, a sheepskin to lie on and read John McPhee, and a stereo to fill the evenings with the Moody Blues. Work, at General Dynamics' Electric Boat (www.gdeb.com) has been both interesting and rewarding. I feel like I fit in with the other members of Dept. 493 - External Structures - and also feel that I am able to be a productive, contributing member of the effort put forth by the group. Plus, skiing on the weekends!
posted at 8:48 PM - comments
Wednesday, January 02, 2002
My last day in Devon before departing to London for a few more holidays seems filled with little "to-do's." Wedging what came over in my luggage back into my luggage seems a giant unscalable wall, but where there's a will and no other way things get done. Looking forward to 2 full days in the city, with visits to the Imperial War and Design Museums planned and great wanderings through the neighborhoods of London unplanned.
posted at 9:27 AM - comments
Tuesday, January 01, 2002
Honestly, I can't imagine skiing anywhere other than Austria now. Big old breakfast in the morning, long day on sun-bathed, powder-cloaked slopes, back to the guest house to change and head to the aubad (outdoor pool/sauna/steamroom), then change again for a big old Bavarian dinner, and off to bed with duvets and feather pillows. Perhaps the skiing got neglected in there; big powder days with first tracks all around via modern lifts. We skiied at Sallbach & Hinterglemm 3 of 5 days and loved it. The resort stretches up both sides of a long valley on the edges of the Alps and I highly recommend both the skiing and the panoramic views of craggy mountain peaks and dark wooded valleys.
posted at 10:21 AM - comments