Thursdays. What is a mother to do? Five tortuous hours of class today, followed by an afternoon of laundry, work, and helping a prof with computer problems. As we told Prof. Hennings this afternoon, our greatness is impeded by the huge mound of pooh that we have to endure. But, there was hockey on television this evening and Oakenfold on the stereo now. Pumping bass and a pile of steam homework - hoowah to the max.
posted at 11:30 PM - comments
Wednesday, May 30, 2001
Class all morning, tank testing a planing boat in waves this afternoon, homework this evening and into the night. So went my day. Joe Walsh would point out that "they say I'm crazy but it takes all my time." I'd retort with "No time to be crazy today, Joe. Got to wrap up this steam lab report and do some laundry."
posted at 11:27 PM - comments
Monday, May 28, 2001
It was a BBQ at the home of a freshwoman on Sunday, then some light socializing in the pub Sunday night. Monday turned out to be quite gorgeous, so I visited the Cold Spring Harbor Whaling Museum in the morning and spent a good portion of the late afternoon wandering the neighborhood. Also caught Pearl Harbor this evening; it is - despite its being a historically correct, action-packed, patriotic ballad of a film - a love story. A love story wrapped around one hell of a bombing. I give it a non-dimensionalized rating of 31.987.
posted at 11:26 PM - comments
Sunday, May 27, 2001
An exceptionally rainy Memorial Day weekend here on the Eastern Seaboard. Does much matter for the Junior class - we're mostly stuck inside working anyway. So far the fun has been limited to bowling on Friday and an afternoon drive to Huntington for dinner.
posted at 12:29 AM - comments
Tuesday, May 22, 2001
Here we find ourselves once again - up late working on a paper due Thursday. Plus, it rained all day and I feel like going to bed. In other, non-cabin-fever news, the Devils won their series, so the Stanley Cup is set to start Saturday. The past few nights have been nice, though, with class bonding galore in the form of two parties. Having no morning classes makes Webb seem like a real school.
posted at 10:10 PM - comments
Monday, May 21, 2001
Due to an injured prof (broken collarbone) we didn't have class this morning until 11, which meant class party on the balcony last night. It also meant that, given the lab schedule, I only had an hour of class today. So, lots of time to brush up a new webpage: A Day in the Life, take care of some business and get lots of homework done, all without any pressure.
posted at 6:00 PM - comments
Saturday, May 19, 2001
A glorious Saturday spent inside working on a 10-page paper on the events leading to Pearl Harbor. In other news, it's homecoming weekend here, so lots of old people are running around asking questions and getting good food. In the afternoon I received the Webb Alumni Athletic Award, an honor given to the outstanding athlete in each class. Plus, late dinner this evening really stretch the day to the max.
posted at 5:14 PM - comments
Tuesday, May 15, 2001
It has been quite some time since I last posted, but here goes: the winch had its inaugural run this weekend, much to the pleasure of the Group of Seven. I spent a great day in the city with Mom, who also caught a baseball game and watched the SNL Mother's Day Special with the crew here. Then, it was a late night of ship design to start the week. Monday flew by with a trip to Oyster Bay in the afternoon and then a ride to JFK to send Mom home. Whirlwind doesn't even come close.
posted at 11:53 PM - comments
Wednesday, May 09, 2001
The capstan head returned from Nassau Chrome this afternoon, looking ready for business in formal black anodizing. One more critical step - wiring - and then we'll be ready to fire it up and change the way Webbies boat. In other news, there is no other news.
posted at 10:02 PM - comments
Monday, May 07, 2001
A long day of ship design work here, complete with a side of ME V and a nice NA IV dessert. Sadly, it was a beautiful day that should have been spent outside, but duty called. Tomorrow Mom arrives in the afternoon to cap what will have been a very eventful day.
posted at 1:19 AM - comments
Saturday, May 05, 2001
A whirlwhind week faded into the books as ship design, EE lab, and an afternoon of final assembly on the winch concluded our Friday. The hottest of the hot weather seems to be behind us, although the sound still hasn't warmed up to skiing temperatures. This morning the campus was hushed as the New York Metropolitan Section of some mathematical society gathered here for whatever it is that mathematicians do. Regardless, it meant great dinner food for the students.
posted at 9:20 PM - comments
Thursday, May 03, 2001
Welcome back from ASNE - ship design in delayed a week and the guest lecture in NA 4 was good. Plus, free scoop day at Baskin Robbins. Now just 2 more days to the weekend.
posted at 12:00 AM - comments