Junior year, semester 2, day 3: Into the books goes a cold day outside full of class and winch meetings inside. Then, volleyball practice in the evening and much anticipation of this weekend's ski trip later in the night. Plus, did you see Alissa Milano on Spin City? Holy cow sums it up pretty well.
posted at 10:45 PM - comments
Monday, February 26, 2001
Welcome back to the Big Show. A full load of classes, including plenty of design labs, await the Juniors during this semester. The dining room has been equipped with some really ridiculous glasses for breakfast, too. And that's news from Webb.
posted at 9:54 AM - comments
Friday, February 16, 2001
After an extremely fast break and winter work, I'm now just 7 days away from saying farewell to the sun and fun of Florida and returning to school. Although I'm looking forward to seeing friends and going on the ski trip to Killington in two weeks, it won't compare to the fun I've had down here.
posted at 12:37 PM - comments