and read what Bush has to say about replacing himself. i am sure some of you have already read this!!
and.....bring bring.......bring bring.......bring. PHONE! hey Vicari, it's your mom, she says, "YOU SUCK!!!!"
OK, here are some images of where I live. I'll get to street pictures soon. I am much happier in this place than I was out in the suburbs. The Som Tom isn't as fantastic, and the lady is not as nice, but I can sacrifice that! There's no pizza box cart, or bananna pancake guy out on soi country club. And suprizingly I can't even see a 7-11. Rungland does not have one!

There's my favorite record and photo of the rents. My dream catcher catches my dreams and my tassels and van keys remind me where I've been. I haven't yet tackled the five sided Rubik's cube, but I think it might happen this week. Things are somewhat slow at work, so I might give it a go.
(Work is slow because schools are on holiday, therefore aren't in higher new teacher mode, so there have been few interviews for a group of 11. There will likely be a huge rush in the end of October when schools realize they are short staffed and need teachers RIGHT NOW!)

Here's my room! it's about 15 feet wide and about 20 feet long with a bathroom in one corner. The walls are pink and the ceiling is teal. I have plenty of floor space to keep up my gymnastics. Cartwheels and walkovers don't run into the walls. I like the Thai way of just a wardrobe because it's so compact, but then I have far less stuff here than I usually have!
My book supply is getting short, and I haven't been back to the bookstore, but my DVD collection has taken a wild turn up. They are incredibly cheap here. :) It costs as much to buy one as to go to the theater.

This is the window wall. The better picture simply refuses to upload properly. This is only half of the wall. It's very nice to have such big windows and when I can open the curtains, it makes the room seem much bigger. It also makes for nice breezes and quick laundry drying. Always a plus.
It does get load at night when the motorbikes gun it down Rungland, but I can hack that. I live one door down from Margaritaville. Can't really beat a 20 second commute to work! I also get little tasks from Rick that he can't leave with the Thais when he has to go for visas. So I will be somewhat involved with bar happenings here and there. Which of course is interesting to me because I want to own a bar someday!

There's my bed. I started with a kingsize, but I asked the owners if they had a smaller one because the bed filled the entire room. This one is prefect because I don't thrash around and it gives me the floor space that I want. Yes I love my alphabet pillow case.

Appliances. The TV they provided which is great as I was not expecting it, and it's a very nice flat screne. The bummer is that none of the channels are clear enough to warrent the excellent picture that it can provide. The refridge is mine, and a neccessity to keep water and left over Som Tom cool. I have a hot water pot, and am planning to get an electric frying pan. I'll be able to cook pretty much everything then. Lots of people here cook in these methods, and they have given me tips. We should really look into writing a cook book for simple appliances!
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Monday, October 03, 2005
GO STATE!!! yeah i know we lost, but only by three points in over time. sounds like my boys fought and fought. stanton is still my hero and heisman choice for next season. :) so. new job saturday, new place sunday, new refigorator hopefully tomorrow, and new bounce in my step because of it. i 'worked' on saturday and sunday by going to the zoo, a wat, and a giant outline of buddha on a hill, and spent five hours at the gym. rough job really. though it's going to be more difficult this week as we get 11 people placed in jobs and another five on their way to placements. everybody has to decide what they want to do, get interview, we set them up, the whole bit. it's really cool to work with everybody to try to get them into something that they'll stay in for awhile and hopefully really enjoy. they are all excited and nervous to be at this stage and looking seriously at working. at least they have a few weeks because schools are out right now. the actual job for me is odd. i think there is a bit of resentment and resistence to leaving and handing it over, but it'll be all good. Rick and i are very much on the same page about a great many things.
so it's october. that's nuts. it's still the middle of july here! who said i'm eleven hours ahead? i'm either three months behind or nine months ahead! insanity when the fan is on full blast and it's still hot. oh well. i moved on sunday! i now live in a one room place one the second floor of a building two doors down from margaritaville. it's fairly spacious. i have enough room to do walkovers and handstands, so i'm all set. the bathroom is silly though. i have to shower around the toilet. it's sorta funny. i have a great view of the street and can see all that goes on through my floor to ceiling windows. i have to decorate some with an area rug and get a refrigorator and kettle, but other than that it's entirely furnished. even down to the pink sheets with outlines of fish on them. i think i'm going to break out in hives after a few nights on them. but i'm sure i'll get through it because there's a huge smile on my face when i walk in the door and feel at home. and i have the giant building that houses margaritaville and the school practically next door to accomodate me if i get restless. and the place is within walking distance of a market, a grocery store, a good coffee shop, several internet cafes, and THE SEA. this last one it a huge selling point. i can get to the beach and take strolls at night without a huge taxi bill if i wish. fantastic.
ok. i need to hit the hay. i got up early this morning to have coffee with one of the girls. we ended up in the bar district at a bar with terrible coffee at 7.15. all of the starbucks were closed! sacrilidge. :)
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