Here you will find help with Internet Relay Chat, or IRC
- Talk to friends from afar in a private room.
- Talk with other users with similar interests in special interest groups.
- Talk with other users for entertainment.
All you need is a little help to get on your way. You need:
- A chat client. This is a tool that you use for interface.
- You will need to find a server. This is the computer that hosts the chat.
- Some basic manners and etiquette.
You can get the client at the following sites:
Here is ircle 2.2 for Macs
Here is Netscape's Chat 1.0 for PC.
A Server:
I use the server at davis.dal.net, but you can select any of the thousands of servers around the world.
Here are some basic chat manners.
We at BrownCow wish you happy trails as you explore the world of IRC.
© 1997 by Corey Bruno
These little messages are getting tiresome.
Do you not agree?