b 4.0
Friday, August 26, 2005
We're off and running with more leadership stuff today. The opening slide from our leadership module was "You Can't Teach Leadership." This followed by two days of teaching leadership? Some thought-provoking group break-out sessions have made the exercise worthwhile, but I'm already questioning the value of 7 days of MLP.

'Twas a crazy day for Jenelle yesterday. While I was learning to be a leader, she was notified of, completed, and heard back from a job interview. If all goes well while I'm learning to be a leader today, she'll have a job locked up with Ferndale University High School. It's another unique education theory, up there with Dean Anderson's bandwith concept, that basically aligns a high school with a technical university to pick up a high level of competency in the sciences. In case you forego a visit to the FUHS website it also looks like quite a nice campus...and is a new school.

Over the past three days I have met about 80 billion skillion people and one of my major goals is to remember them. I'm finding that everybody is in their own niche - amazing in a group of 430 like-minded business maven-wannabes. There's also a note of apprehension floating the overall group about Saturday's "sectionification" of the class. Ultimately I think we are all (or I, at least, am) worried that it might be sayonara to friends made recently - see you at graduation, good friend. Kind of a weird dynamic for day three of an MBA career.

One last Moderately Active Trek Goes Awry photo:

An evening paddle as seen from Pond Island, Maine.

© 2007 Corey Bruno