b 4.0
Monday, March 21, 2005
I'm staying at the office late tonight to put some miles on the proverbial tires. There's plenty of work to get done: NA570 AT/B design, NA416 homework that is totally useless, IOE/MFG583 project write-up that is interesting (but as Patrizio says...save the watch, it's too late for the boots!), and the constant various and sundry 'other things' that can get taken care of via the inter-web these days. Tonight's big accomplishment by internets was singing up for an M-Trek for this August. My top choice is The Maine Event, adding that last elusive East Coast state to my list, doing things that I enjoy (except for eating seafood): hiking, biking, kayaking, rafting, and not roasting to death in the Southwest on a horse.

© 2007 Corey Bruno