b 4.0
Sunday, November 28, 2004
'Tis the Sunday after T-givins and I can't even believe it. Somehow there was time for a holiday, complete with two turkey dinners (including three poor turkeys, one of whom was deep fried and dee-licious), pies, cranberry sauce, lasagna, and a poppyseed birthday cake that can only be described as 'towering.'
The snow flew on Wednesday, dragging the trip from A2 to Escanaba out to nearly 10 hours. With Robin's expert driving and the Michelins' grip we made it unscathed, and I was even able to work quietly on my laptop in the backseat as we slogged northward. Thanksgiving day started with waffles and mini-birthday at home, then I headed around the smaller of the Bays de Noc for celebration with Jenelle and co, while the fam headed east to kick off the celebration in Central Time. After Dinner Round 1, I set off eastward to join them, see the rest of the gathered extended family, and partake in Dinner Round 2. Friday Jenelle came over to meet everybody, Scott may have gotten a deer (wink), the Bruno and Irish cousins played the world's coldest and most enthusiastic game of croquet, all went on a walk around Mud Lake, and we had another birthday celebration to round out the UP portion of the weekend.

© 2007 Corey Bruno