b 4.0
Thursday, November 11, 2004
So in a rare state of high school nastalgia, I googled some of my classmates and found something that bares a resemblance to this little blue pill: N-A-T-E D-O-double-G's Call Me Hoss. It's weird to find the blogspot of somebody and suddenly have a clean peek into their lives, right now.
Thursday started well enough, but class was the end of that; my learning was kicked off with a 15-minute temper tantrum thrown by the big Greek re: the midterm. My thoughts are thus: if you don't think we have any common sense or even the most basic knowledge on the subject, why don't you teach us in a meaningful, positive way? Berating half the class for being stupid might not really benefit anybody, and I think the fact that we're in graduate school in the first place is a preliminary indication that we're here to learn. The upside is that I know I'm not taking 582 in the spring - one term is good 'n plenty.
Last night I caught up with people to the south who are in the midst of wedding planning and getting their new house in order and had a great fall trip to Tobermory. All of us commented that it'd be nice to be able to get together Friday night at The Old Salty Dog.

© 2007 Corey Bruno