b 4.0
Monday, June 21, 2004
This post could be long. It could be 50,000 miles long; as far as the James had been driven as of my trip to TPA on Sunday. But instead I'll try to summarize.
Friday: The events recorded in this forum on Friday dovetailed into consumer electronics unpacking (computer and accessories), dinner with Drew & Kim, and a trip to Kilwin's for ice cream cones all around.
Saturday: A looooong lunch on Siesta at the Daiquiri Deck, a tiny bit of computer-related shopping, a frustrating trip to St. Armand's only to find out that the art fair that had been our destination was shut for the evening. So, we made it a Blockbuster night since we were both feeling tired and over-exposed to the sun and sweltering heat.
Sunday (Happy Father's Day, Dad!): Up for Key Lime breakfast pie, then out the door in time for art fair (take 2) and a stroll around Lido Beach Point Park before burgers and packing at home. The day wound down with that saddest of drives, the trip to the airport. We'd both like it if there weren't more airports in our future, but at least now the number is down to one - and an exciting one at that.

© 2007 Corey Bruno