b 4.0
Friday, May 21, 2004
What has been a sluggish, down-and-dirty week of work and enthusiasmless days winds down today. I'm as excited about that as I have been about anything since last Sunday night. The stumper here is that I don't know why it's been so blah: there's been personal mail aplenty, catching up with people all over, a bike ride, some big wedding news, fascinating things in books and on TV, and I just haven't really gotten on plane all week, so to speak. Last night's ride was a picture perfect case-in-point; no stop on Pine Avenue meant a group of nearly 50 riders labored north into the wind at widely varying speeds with little or no etiquette or help for those doing the work. Then on the way home, everybody splintered so much that I was fortunate to latch onto a group of four guys doing around 25 for most of the way. Average at the light: 22.35. Twenty-two point three-five. Statue miles per hour. Ick. Bring on the weekend and let's get this thing jumpstarted.

© 2007 Corey Bruno